Parent Meeting Review and Additions

Thankyou to all the parents that came out to our meeting last night. What a terrific turn-out! It feels wonderful to have your support for our program, as you all play such a huge part in our rowing successes.

Gary Washuta has offered to design and organize this year’s Bulldog Rowing Parent Wear. Thank you Gary! I am anticipating my new look already!

Thank you again to Sandra Potter who is our Go-To Parent for the Bulldog Tent this year. She is going to need everyone’s help donating time and refreshments. The tent is such an important part of regatta days – for us and our athletes! Please offer your services by contacting her at 905-227-8567 or

Please do not forget to continue to support rowing at SWC by getting your grocery cards! If you can’t make it into the main office yourself, please send your $ to me via your child and I will make those arrangements.

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