Mother’s Day Regatta Bulldog Tent Update

The Mother’s Day Regatta begins at 7:30 AM with the last final at 5:10 PM. It will be a long day for our athletes and they will be looking for snacks to stay fuelled-up on!

Sadly, it look like the day will be cool and wet.

 Please feel free to bring some other food of choice if the assigned items are not convenient to you.

 Karen Cameron – Banana Bread

Andrea Cashmore – Vegetable/ dip

Beverley Connell – Fruit

Tiffany Tu – Fruit

Sandra Moore – 2 dozen bagels / 1 pkg cream cheese

Pauline Johnson – 2 dozen bagels / 1 pkg cream cheese

Kathryn Iapichino – muffins, bars or crackers

Kelly DiIorio – muffins, bars or crackers

Sandra Potter – Yogurt, pita & hummus

Simona Davis – Cheese

All parents are encouraged to come by the tent, meet other parents and have some refreshments. All donations of food and drink are greatly appreciated!

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