Tag Day

Tag Day is quickly approaching on Saturday May 10.

TAG DAY is the St Catharines Rowing Club’s only annual fundraiser – the money raised supports our High School Program and helps to buy and maintain the equipment is used by our athletes and children every day. They must have our help and participation!!   Last year we over raised $12,000 –let’s top that this year.

Your child will be bringing home a letter outlining Tag Day expectations. Please sign it in the space provided and have your child return it to Ms Hunt at school. Your son/daughter will then sign up for the shift and location they wish to do: Home Hardware (Hartzel Rd), Food Basics (Hartzel Rd), Best Buy (4th Ave), or Harvest Barn (4th Ave). All locations require athletes from 9 am – 5 pm except for Best Buy which will run from noon – 5 pm.

There are spaces for everyone and participation is MANDATORY.

Thank you in advance for support SCRC and SWC’s rowing program through this event.

SNRC Pasta night

Please see the note from SNRC below – might be a fun thing for crews to do.
SNRC will be hosting our High School Invite again this year May 17th and 18th
We are adding a Pasta night SAT May 17th.
We are looking at 2 seatings most likely 5pm and a 6p seating
This will be held at the Bluestar!!!
Cost is $10/person
An opportunity to Carbo load for Sunday races!! J
Please we need some idea on numbers as this is our first year doing this and Bluestar would like to know ahead of time
Please poll your athletes so we have some indication

Thanks in advance

SWEDE Burak –  Head Coach
South Niagara Rowing Club
Cell 905 931 1380

Early Birds Results

It was a perfect day for rowing on Sunday for our first regatta of the season. Well, ok – it could have been warmer, but we are getting use to that.  My unofficial score keeping put us at six seconds, two firsts and a small smatter of  thirds and fourths. A great way to start the season – confidence and a clear vision of what needs to be done to improve (that would be the coachs’ jobs). Please see the Gallery page for photos. Great work Bulldogs!

Early Birds

Here is the line-up for this Sunday’s first regatta:

8:30 Jr Men 4+

9:00 Jr Women 4+

9:40 Jr Women 2x

10:10 Sr Men 72 kg 2x

10:20 Sr Men 4+

10:30 Jr Women 1x

10:40 Sr Women 4+

10:50 Jr Men 8+

11:40 Jr Women 8+

12:10 Jr Women 4x

12:20 Sr Women 2x

12:40 Sr Men 8+

Let’s hope for great conditions and a good turn-out of supporters!

Club Fees

Many athletes have still not paid the clubs fees ($340). Crews with athletes with unpaid club fees will not be registered for upcoming regattas (Early Birds April 27). Please send your cheque made out to Sir Winston Churchill Rowing to Ms Hunt by Thursday this week (April 17)

Thank you.