Athletic Banquet

SWC’s Athletic Banquet is Tuesday June 10 at Club Capri in Thorold.
Doors open at 5 pm and dinner starts at 5:30.
Dress is semi-formal.

All rowers who paid their $20 athletic fee in the fall have a ticket waiting for them – and this is most of our rowers. Please have your child see Mr Perron for their ticket. Bulldog Awards for all teams – plus one for each of our rowing programs – and Male and Female Athlete of the Year (Junior and Senior) will be presented at the banquet.

This is an exciting and fun night. Hope that all of our rowers will be able to attend!


There are numerous SWC rowers who have not yet completed their registration for either SCRC, RCA or both.

Athletes who are not completely registered cannot participate in CSSR. My deadline for registering our crews for this national tournament is Tuesday May 27.

I ask all families to be sure that their child has registered with both associations asap. I have posted a list of names of students on my office door and on the rowing board outside the gym. There are athletes from every program on this list.

Please remind your child to check the list for their name. If their name is on the list, they MUST complete their registration immediately to avoid huge disappointment.

St Catharines Rowing Club Student Athlete Bursary

A reminder that the St Catharines Rowing Club is accepting applications for its annual althlete bursary – the deadline is Friday May 30.  The athlete needs  to have:

* selected a Canadian post-secondary school
* will be participating in the rowing team of that school
* is an activie member of the SCRC summer competivite program

If this describes your child, please have them come see Ms Hunt


NSRC Regatta Results

Congratulations once again to our Bulldog Rowers and their coaches on another excellent regatta. Your hard work continues to pay off. We earned 9 medals; 2 Gold, 4 Silver and 3 bronze – out of 10 boats that made the finals – wow! Keep up your focus and training – Canadians are coming soon!

Gold: Senior Women 4+ and Junior Women 59kg 4+

Silver: Junior Women 1x, Senior men 72 kg 4+, Senior Men 72 kg 8+ and Junior Women 4x

Bronze: Senior Women 2x, Jr Women 63kg 8+ and Senior men 66 kg 4+

Thank you to all our volunteers at the Bulldog Tent who helped to keep our athletes dry, shaded, fed and watered.

Tag Day Results

From SCRC:

Thank You so much to all the coaches who arranged for the athletes to tag, to the parents who helped out, to the members of the Board and to some of our special friends who collected and in particular to our terrific high school athletes – THANK YOU for another successful Tag Day – thank you too to the weather gods! 

Our total: $ 12,262.05 + 10.25 in Canadian tire money!!

We also managed to collect: a washer, a TTC token, assorted foreign coin, 2 purple smarties and a 3 volt watch battery. 

Thank you all so much!

Mother’s Day Regatta

Wasn’t Sunday a wonderful day to row and be on the island? Perfect conditions for most of the day, hot sun and cool tail-wind. Our new Bulldog Tent was well stocked and appreciated by the athletes, coaches and parents who stopped by. Thank you to Angela and Andrea who organized the food and refreshments and kept the food flowing throughout the day.

Oh yes – the results! So proud of our bulldogs who qualified 13/15 boats for the finals and came away with a bunch of medals. Most notably:

Sr Women’s 4 – Gold
Jr Women’s Single – Silver
Sr Men 72 kg 8 – Bronze
Jr Men 8 – Bronze
Jr Women’s 8 – Bronze
Jr Women’s Quad – Bronze

The hard work is paying off Bulldogs. Keep it up!

Check out the Gallery for photos.

Tag Day Schedule

Thank you to all athletes and parents who are participating in Tag Day tomorrow. It is an important fund-raiser for the SCRC high-school program, and therefore, for our rowing program. The schedule can be found in the link below.
Athletes should wear school colours – and rowing swag if they have it.

As well – students can use this time towards volunteer hours! I have run off some sheets specifically for this. Have you child come to Guidance on Monday to get one.

The SCRC will collect the boxes from the athletes at the end of the last shift. Boxes are NOT to go home with the student.
Please call me if there are any issues (289) 696-3994

tag day schedule

Rowing SWAG Is Here

tshirt 2tshirt 1

Thank you to Kate Maki (Junior Girl) for modelling our 2014 rowing tshirts. They are available in Ms Hunt’s office now and at the Bulldog Tent starting Mother’s Day for $15. Get yours while we have all sizes and wear the Churchill colours at the regattas!