The regatta in London is scheduled for May 31, NOT May 24 as posted on the SWC website. I will tried to get that changed. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Participation in WOSSA is directed by coaches. Please ask your child’s coach if you are wondering about this one.


Rowers at Score Card Harry’s

I had a pleasant experience this morning when the vice-principal (Janice Sargeant) pulled me aside to tell me that a friend of her’s was at Score Card Harry’s after the Early Bird Regatta when a bunch of SWC rowers walked in. The initial recation was oh no – rowdy teenagers! – but then our students (your kids) went on to conduct themselves in a way that represented our school in a very positive way. They were polite, repectful of other customers, considerate of the wait-staff … how wonderful to hear that when our athletes are wearing the school gear in public, they behave in a way that makes us proud.

If your child was one of these students – thank you!