Please Reflect on This

As it is still dark in the mornings when our rowers are out on their runs, it is strongly suggested that they all have some form of reflective-wear on them. A lot of outerwear for running comes with this already built in, but you can also find vests, arms bands etc that do the same thing. Let’s keep our Bulldogs safe!

Fundraiser Results

unnamed (2)


Kristen Salvas and Dave Trotter with our order

Our annual Citrus Fundraiser, along with some donations, earned our program about $1500 this year. Well done and thank you to everyone who participated and supported this initiative. It is through these on-going efforts that has allowed us to be able to purchase 4 new ergs this coming winter and give the SCRC a proposal to purchases a new quad (4x) for SWC and the Club.

Enjoy your Vitamin C!


St. Catharines Youth Rowing Program

If your child has attended the youth rowing school at the St. Catharines rowing club please read below:

Attention Rowing Parents,

The St. Catharines Rowing Club’s Youth Rowing Program asks for your assistance in completing our survey (see link below) in order to help us improve the program and manoeuvre the 2015 sessions around the Pan Am Games that will be held here in St. Catharines next summer.
We would appreciate your feedback on the program in order to gain information as to how we can make the newcomers experience worth every dollar, enhance the program schedule and to improve the athletes engagement in the sport of rowing.
Please click on or copy and past the link below to take you to the survey.

Your time is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Citrus Pick-Up

The citrus order should be arriving at the school at 9:30 Saturday morning. We would appreciate that all those who need to pick up their orders to please be at the school no late than 10 am. We should have it off the truck and sorted by then. (And you and your rowers are certainly welcome to come earlier to help with that!)

Thank you again for your support of the SWC Rowing Program!!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Jack Nicholson

It is with great sadness that I tell you that Jack Nicholson, and legend in rowing and long-time coach and mentor – died last night.

Many of you may not know Jack, as he coached for the Ridley Grad Boat Club, but many of you will as he has been a force and a presence on the island and in high school rowing for decades. He coached me in 1978! He will be remembered fondly and greatly missed by many.

Thank you Jack!


Hot Yoga over the Holidays

From Lisa Roy – Jr Girls Coach
Hi everyone,
These are the yoga sessions available to us over the holidays:
Monday Wednesday Friday both weeks 11.00am 1 hour approx.
Dec. 22, 24, 26
Dec. 29, 31, Jan. 2

cost; $30/6 sessions prepaid cash (hst included in all prices)
$25/4 sessions prepaid cash
$10 drop-in rate CASH 

This activity is not through the school – you will fill out a Power Yoga waiver like last year.
Parents, siblings, friends, teachers and coaches welcome.
Please bring in the money to myself or Eric, in an envelope with your name on it, if you are participating in this great deal and awesome workout.
it’s at Power Yoga at Ridley Square.
I understand there are 9 Sr Girls interested, and I haven’t talked to the boys coaches yet but all the info is here.