Safety Video and Swim Test

We have 2 requirements to fulfill before our students can go on the water; viewing the SCRC Safety Video and participating in the SCRC prescribed Swim Test.

This year, both activities will be held on Wednesday March 11.

Safety Video – SWC Auditorium March 11, 8 am

Swim Test – Kiwanis Pool (Carlton and Niagara) March 11, 8 pm

Both of these requirements are MANDATORY. Students will not be allowed to get into a boat unless they have been successfully fulfilled. Please be sure to mark both of them onto your calendars.

Upcoming Ergometer Events

And a Happy New Year!

‘Tis the season for ergometer competitions! There are 3 on our calendar; Canadian Indoor Rowing Championships (Sunday Feb 1), DM Novice Sprints (Sat Feb 7) and the Ontario Erg Championships (Sat Feb 28).

The first 2 events happen at the discretion of the coaches/parents/athletes and entry fees (if any) will be required. We hope to have athletes representing themselves and SWC at both of these events. Please speak to your child’s coach and check out the SCRC website for more details.

It is expected that all SWC rowers participate in the Ontario Erg Championships. The fee for this event was a part of the fall registration package. Athletes need to complete an entry form which they can get from their coaches or from Ms Hunt and return it signed by a parent by February 13. All athletes who submit their entry form by this deadline will be registered online by Ms Hunt. We incurred a large amount of late fees last year, which we will not be repeating this year!