
I have – in my office – a lovely stainless steel bowl, a blue sectioned serving tray and Mo Augerman’s red-lidded Tupperware container.

Please send your children to collect these items – thanks

CSSRA Final Day Photos and Bulldog Award Winners

New photos from Sunday are now on the Gallery page. Thanks to Max Beaudoin and Tracy/Jim Maki for their contributions.

Also congratulations to this year’s Bulldog Award winners for Rowing:

Jr Girl: Kate Maki
Jr Boy: Owen Tope
Sr Girl: Catherine Gervais
Sr Boy: Owen Voelkner

CSSRA Finals Sunday June 7

Congratulations to all the crews who made it through to the finals on Sunday. No matter how you placed in your race, be very proud of yourself, your crew and your coach. It is no small thing to have made it into the Sunday final of this regatta. A special congratulations to Lisa Roy and the Jr Women’s Quad: Kylie Rogg, Lilana Biktimirova, Kate Maki and Sapphire Ingram who won a Bronze medal.

To the coaches – what an amazing group of volunteers you are. The amount of time, energy and effort it takes to coach in this sport is unparalleled. You have worked with our athletes since November, six days a week (did you really take a day off? – not sure), arriving at the cage or on the island all those early, early mornings to mentor, organize, teach and deal with student athletes and all that they bring with them. Your commitment and service to these students, and our school, is greatly appreciated. You are one special group.

Thank you so much to all the parents who contributed food and fun at the Bulldog Tent. A very special thank you to Angela and Andrea (Mouse) who organized the food donations, cooked fajitas for two days and stayed at the tent serving our athletes for the entire regatta.

A long season of dryland training, erg’ing, weights, the Brock tank, Hydro Hill, early mornings, cold early mornings, travel and regattas has come to an end. SWC can be very proud of all of its rowers this year. You trained hard, believed in yourselves, bonded with each other and represented your school always with pride. Most importantly, you all grew as rowers and as young adults. This year has helped to shape you into your most excellent future selves. Congratulations.

Photos are still in progress – stay tuned.

CSSRA Saturday

C-c-c-cold! and Windy! Then a wind delay because of crazy winds at the start, when on the island it looked like it had calmed down.

All our crews represented themselves and SWC with pride. Even when The Lennox was damaged in the starting gates, the Jr Women’s 8 crew went on to earn a 2nd in their heat in a different shell. We had two crews finish 7th – so not going on to finals by one spot – but 7th in this regatta is a very strong result! All SWC athletes should be proud of their efforts, not only at this regatta but all year long.

The 5 crews that will be racing tomorrow are:
Jr Men 4+
Jr Men 66kg 4+
Jr Women 4x
Sr Men 72 kg 1x
Sr Women 59 kg 4+

Please check the CSSRA Website for exact times for each race. Hoping to see lots of blue and gold in the grandstands cheering these Bulldogs in all the way!

And – as always – photos from today are on the Gallery page.

CSSRA Friday

Congrats to all the SWC  racers today and all the Bulldog supporter who came down to cheer our crews along the course. More races to come tomorrow in the semi-finals. Please check the CSSRA website for the draw, visit us at the Bulldog Tent and come ready to make some noise! Photos on the gallery page.

See you tomorrow on the island.

CSSRA Weekend Update

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The big weekend is almost here and school spirit is ramping up for the Bulldogs of SWC!

Row Dogs Row!

Thank you to Rina Rode for lending us the running program’s tent – its a perfect match with ours and will give our athletes extra space to stretch out, eat and relax between events. The tents will be ready for the athletes on Friday morning. Hope to see everyone there sometime over the weekend. The racing schedule can be found on the CSSRA website. Looking forward to a great weekend!

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Preliminary draws for the regatta this weekend are on the CSSRA website. Looks like we have 7 races on Friday (remember this is preliminary): Jr W 4+ 10:10, Jr W 2x 11:06, Sr W 2x 12:30, Sr M 4+ 12:51, Sr W 4+ 1:33, Sr M 4x 2:43 and Sr M 1x 4:56.

If anyone is available to come to the island on Thursday around 5 pm to help set up the tent, I would appreciate the hands. This is a pretty quick job if there is 5 – 6 people. Please let me know if you can come: Thanks!

From Coach Grant

Hi everyone,

For those who I haven’t met yet, I am the coach of the Senior Women’s program here at SWC.
I love seeing the support for the bulldog tent with donations and such! I look forward to snacking on everything! HA!
Over the past 6 years I have coached at Sir Winston, many donations have come through and helped our athletes with meals and snacks for race days but the turnout for parents at the tent has been quite slim.  I would love to see parents come down to the tent and stay and mingle with other parents and cheer on our crews.  This is especially important for those who have athletes in the Junior programs since you will be seeing the same people for the next 3 or 4 or possibly 5 years! I am not asking you to stay all day but during Friday and Saturday it would be great to show other schools and our athletes how much support and encouragement we have for them!
Just a quick thought of mine to pass along!
Thanks again for everything Andrea and all the parents,

From Coach Eric

I would like to take this chance to personally thank all the parents for their support all season long. Without it we are just a individual crews – together we are a rowing team . It goes without saying that the cooperation between coaches is something that is not seen in other programs , from SWC staff to coaches and coaching helpers –  we all pulled together to make this another great year . Grant , Caitlin, Lisa, Murray , Gary , Greg , Terry and Talia my hats goes off to all of you. You are the heart and soul of this team and I hope I see all of you back next year to build on what we have going on . A bit long winded to say THANKS