Tag Day Instructions


T O   T H E   A T H L E T E S / P A R E N T S:

TAG DAY is the Club’s only annual fundraiser. The money raised supports YOUR High School Program and helps to buy and maintain the equipment you use every day.  We must have your help and participation!  The more athletes that participate, the less time each one will have to volunteer.   Last year you over raised $12,700 – let’s top that this year!



  • Your participation is not an option;  it is required ( except under  very special circumstances in which case,  talk to your coach if you think you may not be available
  • You are representing your school AND the St. Catharines Rowing Club.  Please take care with language, and general behaviour, etc. and be friendly and smile!
  • Wear your school crew jacket or rowing shirt etc. to identify yourself as a member of your school’s rowing team.  If you don’t have one,  BORROW from a friend.  Please no torn jeans or very short shorts/skirts etc.!
  • Tag only outside the store or location where you are assigned and do not block doorways, hallways etc.
  • PLEASE – no texting or phones – it is only two hours…give your phone a break!
  • Open doors for people who may have strollers, or people with lots of parcels and the elderly, etc.
  • You may ask people for their support just don’t be pushy!
  • Even if they say “NO”, say “thank you” and SMILE – they may change their mind!
  • Be prepared to tell people that the money you are raising supports youth and high school rowing
  • Concentrate on the people leaving a store as they may be more likely to support us
  • Make sure you have a contact number for your coach or call one of the numbers below if you run into any problems
  • If for any reason you are not comfortable with someone who approaches you, IMMEDIATELY  go inside the store and contact the Manager,  YOUR coach and one of the numbers below
  • No athlete is to take a tag box home.  If the last pick-up seems to be late, call one of the numbers at the bottom of the page or you coach. NEVER give a box to ANYONE except your shift replacement or a SCRC Director.  Do not leave until your box has been picked up!



Tag Day Sign Ups Are Out


As mentioned in a previous post, Tag Day is Saturday May 7.  ALL athletes MUST participate in this important fundraiser for the SCRC.

The locations that have been assigned to SWC are Home Hardware (Hartzel Rd.), Food Basics (Hartzel Rd.), Best Buy (Fourth Ave.), Canadian Tire (Fourth Ave.) and Harvest Barn (Fourth Ave.).

The Sign Up Sheet is outside Ms. Romaniuk’s office.  Students will sign up for a 2 hour shift at one of the above locations.  Thank you!

Athletes’ Tent

Thank you to parents who have responded already to requests to donate items and ‘man’ the athletes’ tent at this weekend’s Early Bird and John Bennett regattas.  Some recommended/appreciated items are:

Bagels (and spreads)



Water bottles

Fruit and veggies

Baked goods

Granola bars

Ice to keep things cool

Etc. etc.

You can drop your items off with your athlete.  If you send reusable containers, please label them with your name.



Celebrate Coxswain Appreciation Week

Celebrate Coxswain Appreciation Week May 1-7, 2016

Getting involved

Want to give your coxswain a nod during Coxswain Appreciation Week? It’s easy!

Like and follow USRowing on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Tag your photos and messages with #CoxieAppreciation. Winners will be selected from messages posted May 1-7.

Looking for some inspiration? Take note of these topics or get creative with your own way of showing just how important your coxswain is to you and your crew.

·          Coxswain toss picture

·          Story of how a coxswain made the win

·          Surprise your coxswains with a creative sign/ thank you note to hang in your      boathouse

·          Relive a moment where you witnessed your coxswain master a tough move or a  hard situation

Winners will be announced May 9.

Considered one of the founding mothers of women’s crew at Brown University, coxswain Marcia Hooper now considers herself a masters rower, competing at the last three Head of the Charles Regatta. The essence of Coxswain Appreciation Week is something that she finds highly important.

“All rowers have this desire to know just how good they are,” said Hooper. “As a coxswain, you need to be able to tell them when they aren’t rowing well. Your job is  equal parts therapist, coach and athlete but to tell your fellow athletes who are giving it all that something isn’t right, to be honest with them, that takes an authentic person.”

Take some time this week and give some kudos to the coxswain in your shell.

Save the Date – Saturday May 7

Saturday May 7 is Tag Day.  The St. Catharines Rowing Club expects all athletes to give back during this fundraiser.  Crew members will sign up with Ms. Romaniuk for a shift at different community locations (Canadian Tire, etc.) and gather donations on that day.  ALL ATHLETES MUST PARTICIPATE.  Listen to announcements to find out when the sign up sheet is out!

Calling all parents!

It’s time to get our parent volunteer crew together for regattas!  Jobs include set up and take down of the athletes’ tent, organizing food donations and manning the tent for the duration of the regatta.  The first regattas are Early Bird (Saturday April 30 at Henley Island) and the John Bennett Regatta (Sunday, May 1, Buffalo).  The athletes’ tent is an important place for athletes to rest and refuel and also serves as cheering central.  Please email Tania at tania.romaniuk@dsbn.org to let me know how you can help.  Thank you!

Special Event this Friday!

EVERYONE is invited to a SPECIAL EVENT, this Friday April 8th 5pm at St.Catharines Collegiate.


We will host a viewing of the Oxford vs. Cambridge Boat Race with Oxford Women’s Coach Chris Wilson commentating.

Chris is a long time member of the St.Catharines Rowing Club.  She will be in attendance on Friday to talk about the race and answer any questions you might have.  This is an exciting opportunity to talk directly with the coach of the Oxford Women’s program.


There are 400+ seats available in the theater so let’s fill the space! ! !


St.Catharines Collegiate is 34 Catherine St. (Off Welland Ave, across from the Giant Tiger Plaza)

Enter through the front doors, and the auditorium entrance is on the second floor.